Cycling Quests curates memorable adventures on two wheels, sending each of our riders home with stories to share.

If we’ve succeeded, you’ll bring a friend next time.

Cycling Quests brings accessibility to outdoors and endurance events. Every event we design creates memorable experiences for cyclists of all skill levels and backgrounds. We aim to break down long-standing tribal barriers and build a community of adventure seekers. 

We noticed many events weren’t as fun or welcoming as they could be, leaving something to be desired for participants. That many cycling events do not represent the diverse breadth of skills, fitness, and most of all confidence in a riders ability no matter where they are in their journey on the bike. 

We’ve poured over every detail to guarantee you’ll leave with stories that you’ll retell on every ride after. Our primary goal is to ensure you start having the best time possible from the moment you arrive.

We work with like-minded organizations that prioritize participant experiences. If you work for a brand that is passionate about getting people outside and building community around similar interests, we want to hear from you!

Cycling Quests ensures that each event is as valuable to the participants as they are to the partners. We want to help establish relationships between our participants and community and brand partners that will last a lifetime. 

This starts weeks and months before each event, developing brand recognition and authenticity in the eyes of our riders. We believe that event expos should be more interactive, engaging, and memorable and include the local community more. This makes us all more visible to provide lasting and meaningful impressions.

Our team hails from a variety of professional backgrounds, bringing valuable expertise and new perspectives to cycling events. Each one of us brings event experience ranging from grassroots events to televised races and large-scale festivals. Most importantly, our diverse histories provide us with relatable experiences to all skill levels.

We come from all spectrums of the cycling community and want to provide a welcoming space for all riders to celebrate cycling. We aren’t just riders from a road, mountain or even a gravel bike.

We do it all whether that’s riding a bike for errands, staying fit on the roads or having an epic dirt adventure. Whatever bike a rider has, that machine is the noble steed that transports them for whatever Cycling Quest it may be.

Create memories
Share experiences
Build community